Peer to Peer Series: Regulate and Recalibrate

Peer to Peer Series: Regulate and Recalibrate
Regular price $65.00

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Part 1: Regulate - Relatable and reliable tools for the health professional 

The residual effects of stress can directly influence our personal and professional lives. Having the ability to recalibrate and regulate our nervous system enables us to take control over our emotional and cognitive functioning. This workshop is designed to equip health professionals with relatable and reliable techniques to gain control over their own internal physiological state. As leaders in health, by regulating ourselves we invite members of our community to do the same. 

Learning Objectives/Outcomes: 

  • Understand the acute effects of stress on the nervous system
  • Identify personal stress response
  • Recall and explain self-regulation techniques 
  • Integrate self-regulation techniques into personal and professional lives

Part 2: Recalibrate - Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress in others and useful ways to support

Health professionals provide a significant amount of support to their communities. Given the current climate, it is important that we can recognize the stress and sensitivity that our people may be experiencing. Likewise, it is essential that we protect ourselves from the emotional turbulence that we may encounter. This workshop is designed to assist health professionals with identifying the common signs and symptoms of stress and innovative ways to support with this. In addition this workshop provides insights into how to establish personal boundaries to prevent being affected by the emotions and stress of others.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

  • Recognize common physiological and psychological reactions to stress
  • Implement effective support strategies for their communities
  • Establish personal boundaries to reduce the impact of secondhand stress and emotions

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Additional Details:

  • Presented by: Hannah Flahr, CSEP-CEP
  • CSEP Members receive <strong>4 professional development credits (PDCs)</strong> for completing this activity.
  • Format: Live webinar (with recording)
  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours of content
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